We believe you and you are not alone.

Report Sexual Misconduct or Gender-Based Violence

Please complete this reporting form if you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual misconduct or gender-based violence.

Report Misconduct

If this incident occurred within the last 5 days, please consider immediate medical attention.

Evangelical Community Hospital

Available 24 hours a day, a survivor can go to the hospital for evaluation and treatment related to sexual assault incidents. An advocate from Transitions (1-800-850-7948/24-hour hotline) can take you to the hospital and sit with you during any of the following procedures. These include, but are not limited to:

Forensic Rape Exam: to collect evidence that a survivor may have acquired over the course of an assault. Local police will be called to collect the forensic kit , but a survivor will never be forced to speak with an officer at the hospital.

Physical Exam: to assess, document and treat injuries

Emergency Contraception: to help prevent pregnancy

STD/HIV Medications: To assist with the prevention of developing several common STDs and HIV

The cost of any of the above procedures is covered by the Victim’s Compensation Fund.


Location & Directions

One Hospital Drive,
Lewisburg, PA 17837,

(570) 522-2770

Electronic Reporting

Students have the ability to make a report regarding an incident of sexual misconduct or gender-based violence 24 hours a day via the electronic reporting form.

If the report includes demographic information about the survivor, the Title IX Coordinator will follow-up with the survivor upon receiving the report.

If an anonymous report is filed, it will be shared with Public Safety for Safety and Security Report as part of The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. To find the most recent report click here.

Make a Report